Rescheduling due to contagiousness

Will I be charged for rescheduling?

Fees may be waived for appointments rescheduled in advance due to contagiousness concerns and not for cancellations.
After repeated rescheduling/cancellations
a client may be required to make a nonrefundable prepayment in order to book future sessions.
If any client shows up to their appointment displaying signs or feeling symptoms of common contagious conditions including but not limited to coughing, runny nose, swollen lymph nodes, undiagnosed nausea, or undiagnosed rashes then they must leave and cancellation fees may apply. Please contact Erin Singleton by text in advance if you have the signs and symptoms of a contagious condition.


When can I reschedule?

For any possibly contagious condition we can refer to your doctor’s diagnosis, CDC guidelines, Johns Hopkins, The Mayo Clinic or another common, reputable source like WebMD to see when you would likely no longer be contagious.

Here’s a link to the quick guide by the UK’s National Health Services for the contagiousness periods of many common viruses including rhinoviruses, influenza, and COVID-19.

CDC guidelines for RSV

CDC guidelines for norovirus

Quick guide for rescheduling appointments because of COVID-19:

  • If you had a known exposure to COVID-19 but have no symptoms

    You can have an appointment after a negative PCR result from a test 3-7 days after the known exposure
    after two consecutive negative at-home test (AKA “quick test” or antigen test) taken the day before your appointment and then the morning before your appointment. (Please note that quick tests are considered fairly reliable tests for contagiousness levels but they are not sensitive enough to conclusively test for whether or not you are infected and should seek treatment.)

  • If you’ve tested positive for COVID-19 and have symptoms
    Reschedule to at least 10 days after symptoms began and also at least 72 hours after symptoms completely subside.

  • If you’ve tested positive for COVID-19 but you never developed symptoms and don’t know exactly when you contracted it:
    Reschedule to either ten days after that positive test, after a single negative PCR test, or after three consecutive days of negative at-home test results. (If you do start to develop symptoms then at least 10 days after symptom onset and also at least 72 hours after symptoms subside.)

  • If you have symptoms that could be from COVID-19
    If you have symptoms of anything contagious then please reschedule until you are likely to be well and seek diagnosis. If they’re COVID-like symptoms please take an at-home test (AKA “quick test” or antigen test.) Those tests are inexpensive, easily available, and often covered by insurance.

  • If you’re totally unsure about your exposure, symptom onset, haven’t received a conclusive diagnosis, or are just generally unsure:

    Please take an at-home test on the morning before your appointment and wear a well-fitting N95 (which I’m happy to provide.)

Alternatively, 14 days or more after any of the above situations.

In some case-by-case situations a doctor’s note of some kind may be both advisable and required in order to reschedule.